Thursday 3 March 2011

The Promise of Spring

The promise of Spring
was evident this morn
in the blush of pale green buds
covering the trees like a mantle.

And here and there green shoots
push through the dark earth.
New life from crocus bulbs planted
last Autumn tide and forgot till now.

And soon ewes heavy with young
will give birth on bitter hillsides.
To lambs with springs in their legs
who run and jump for joy.

But what of my soul dark and cold,
still frozen with winters chill.
The promise that the Maiden brings
starts a melting within me.

Then Winters stillness and silence
that echoed within in me is banished
And an answer to the Maiden comes
from deep within my soul.

It is the young God of the green wood
birthed again within me young and virile.
And so the mystery unfolds again
Young God and maiden join once more.

In my soul new life is born again
The chill of winter recedes once more.
Springs warmth is promised soon
To melt my winter hardened heart.


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